Football Club Barcelona - More than a club!

When Messi and Neymar's magic has started spreading its charm on football fans for their performances in World Cup 2014, let's look inside the club FC Barcelona - the club where both Messi and Neymar play! (For those of you who prefer soccer, FC stands for Football club!)

It was during the European Championships in 2012, I felt the enthusiasm of Europeans for football. I have seen here in Switzerland, almost all households (on their balcony) display a flag of the country which they support. Sometimes I have seen more than one flag as well, hinting at split loyalties! During the football match, after each and every goal I heard the vuvuzelas blaring from the balconies. They also burst crackers after winning. Football is like a festival and they celebrate it. Naturally, when I landed in Barcelona, visiting Camp Nou Stadium of FCB topped the priority list.

The picture above shows the Camp Nou stadium from outside, the logo of FCB and their slogan "Mes que un club" i.e "More than a club", entrance of the stadium and a lovely and vigorous sculpture of a footballer in action.

In the stadium premise, there is an excellent sculpture of Laszlo Kubala
- A Hungarian footballer and a leading member of the successful Barcelona team in the 1950s.

Like the Real Madrid Club, FCB too has a grand museum. Large interactive screens to know about their 100 year legacy and trophies they have won are a significant part of the experience. A large area where one can see different well played matches on gigantic screens is amazing.

In the picture on the right, I am standing in front of a photograph of the Camp Nou Stadium of FCB - about which, I am going to write in my next post.

I will write about the players tunnel, their dressing room and the press room along with snaps of these places.

For those who are like me (not a football fanatic), would surely love to read about the stadium like I did during the tour. For soccer lovers, Camp Nou of FCB is a Duomo or Mecca of football.

A few words in the comments section below from my readers are most welcome and highly encouraged! Cheers!

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